Where and when did the conference take place?
The last conference took place from Monday 2nd December to Friday 6th December in Cologne.
But do not worry, there are more to come!
In which language was the conference held?
The conference was held in German, English and French and there was a continuous translation into all three languages. A level of B2 in one of these three languages is sufficient for participation.
Who was the conference for?
The conference aims to bring together young people between 14-30 years of age who are already active in international exchange. In particular, all members of South-North school partnerships and all South volunteers currently in Germany are invited. For this group of people 40% of the participation list is reserved.
But, of course, all others who want to help shape the future are also welcome.
Who organized the conference?
The conference was organised entirely by young people from South Africa, Benin and Germany. These teams determined all topics and formats, which 150 young people discussed in Cologne for five days. Their main questions were: What can we do now to move the world? And what must we demand now to move politics?
What do I do there?
Young people from countries of the Global South and Germany came together at the conference to discuss their visions of „our common future“ and set their own priorities.
We would like to offer you – the young people who have already gained experience in international exchange – a platform to deal with your common future and to work for it.
How can I participate?
The Conference is already over. But do not worry, there are more to come!
When can I register?
Right now there is no register in process for upcoming conferences.
How much does participation cost?
For participants, the entire conference is free of charge, including accommodation and travel to and from Germany by train.
Who organizes the conference?
The conference is organised by bridge-it! e.V. within the framework of the German-African Youth Initiative of the BMZ and in cooperation with ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Who finances the conference?
Supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL on behalf of the BMZ, with budget funds from the State of Berlin – Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, from the BGAG Foundation Walter Hesselbach and from the Foundation Environment and Development North Rhine-Westphalia.
I have further questions…
You can’t find all the answers in this FAQ? We are looking forward to your email to assistenz@bridge-it.net.